Are you looking at starting your own blog but not sure what to do? Or want to learn more about WordPress?

Great. You’re in the RIGHT place!

TypeEighty is a resource hub for anyone who wants to start and grow a blog. We aim to keep our tutorials easy to understand and most importantly updated.

We know that WordPress, plugins, and resources change rapidly. By keeping our content updated, you’ll have the resources to start, grow, and make money from your blog.

Check out these top most viewed articles on TypeEighty:

How do we get started?

My name is Yuyu. I started TypeEighty back in 2017 to share my knowledge on how to customize the WordPress site and other tips I learned trying to optimize my website for performance. Over time, I wrote various content to help beginner and non-techie bloggers.

If you would like to know more about what I do and how, or maybe if you’re interested in collaboration, feel free to drop me a line here or tweet me @swsalim.

If you found my tutorials useful and are interested in what I’m building, check out my other projects:


— Front-end developer, design lover, coffee addict, technology enthusiast.